Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Water Mall, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

The best thing I do for myself all week is attend a tao yoga class on Sunday mornings. It is located in an unusual mall that attracts many alternative health businesses.

There are four buildings, arranged as if a square had been bisected in each direction. The buildings are built on two levels, one slightly higher than the other.
The center X is formed of fountains and waterways that run the length of the buildings. Water flows from higher pools to lower ones, over the escarpments. Visitors cross the waterways with steps and bridges. In some places, the trees seem as carefully trimmed as stunted Japanese plants. Oh, I wish I could think of the word for that careful asymmetry. Here are the photos.


Sylvia K said...

Your pictures are great! Don't know if you've found my new blog yet -- my old one crashed and I had to start from scratch. The new one is http://www.sylviafromoverthehill.blogspot.com. Hope you'll come visit soon!

robin andrea said...

I am always drawn to places and buildings that have waterways. There is an inherent tao-like quality to flowing water.

Mari Meehan said...

After watching the noon news I know I can find something soothing by visiting just an ordinary gal! Thanks.

June Saville said...

My daughter and son-in-law have a garden centre which they have set out in little 'rooms' meant to give people ideas for their own gardens. There are many water features and a couple of ponds, carefully nurtured plants and garden art.It has a lovely ambience and people say it is so peaceful and come just for quiet times. They forget completely that there is a noisy road nearby ...
June in Oz